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B. R. F & A. Lands
Office Ass't Supt Schools 3d Dist.
Jefferson April 26th 1869-

Captain E. S. Roberts
A.A.A.G. Bureau R.F. & A.L.


In compliance with Par III General Orders No 2, dated, Hd. Qurs. Bureau R. F. & A.L. Austin Feby 1st 1869- I have the honor to submit the following report.

At Jefferson, there are two buildings which have been occupied as school houses. The one in which the school is being carried on, at present is owned by a freedman, & the rent is paid by the teacher Mr. Younger. The building is too small for the purpose - & not worth repairs. The school was formerly held in the African Church - the property of the Freed people- It is much out of repair - an expenditure of not less than ($600-) Six hundred dollars will be necessary to put it in good condition. The building is large - & needs almost rebuilding- I would respectfully suggest that I be authorized to make a contract to put the house in repair. The teacher is competent & efficient. His system of teaching is good, & the pupils are making-