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Anderson [[?]] Texas
January 23, 1869
Maj [[?]]
On or about the first day of December last I woke to you sending at the same time a [[?]] copy of the deed to the lot purchased by one for a building [[?]] upon which to build a freedmen church and schoolhouse. All the same time I made a [[?]] statement of what had been done in the way of getting lumber and of the work done on the house and asked the aid of the Government in completing said house which house [[?]] in about the same condition as when I wrote and is likely to [[?]] remain without Government aid for I think all or nearly all has been done that can be by the citizens here. Hope you will [[?]] yourself in on [[?]] get all that can be got from the Government to aid us and help us in any other way you [[?]] can. We are at this time without a house in which to [[?]] on for a school. I think if we had a house sufficient there is a great probability that we could have a good school. We have a small school [[?]]