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Mayors Office City of San Antonio Texas, May 24 1869.

C.S. Roberts
Brvt Capt U.S.A.
A.A A.G. Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Austin Texas

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of April 16/69 requesting me to forward to your Bureau another Deed for the Tannery Property as the one mailed to Genl O. O Howard Decr 12/68 had been lost, I now enclose to your office another Deed for said property, the cause of so much delay since I received your letter has been, that I had to write to Genl E. J. Davis at Corpus Christi to make the Deed as he had made the first one, I am instructed by Genl Davis to this effect, the Deed must be acknowledged (if signed out of the State) before a Judge or Clerk of a Court of Record having a seal of office or before a Commissioner of Texas. wishing all safe to hand. I am
Very Respectfully Your 
Obt Servt
William Thielepaper
Mayor of the City of San Antonio