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5 East 57th St.
New York 22, N.Y.

March 16, 1953

Dear Mr. Elmiger:

Do have my very best thanks for your letter of March 3, by which you advise me that you will be able to put a room with a bath at my disposal at the end of this month.

The exact date of this very short trip of a few days is unfortunately not yet set.

However, I will not be in Europe by March 25, probably a few days later.

I realize fully how important it is for you to be posted on the precise time and therefore shall send you a cable as soon as my plans will be more definite.

With renewed thanks and kind thoughts,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Monsieur H.F. Elmiger
Hotel Ritz
Place Ventome
Paris, France