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3 Lyndeboro Place
Boston 16, Mass.
Nov. 6, 1944

Dear Germain,

To make sure of the hotel room, I shall go to the Statler before 5 on Wednesday and pay for it, registering in your name if necessary, and telling them to expect you at about 11 p.m. If that should not meet your wishes, please let me know.

The Statler is only a step from the Ritz and is, therefore, most convenient to the Back Bay Station.

I'm afraid you are a touch confused about people. The Mrs. Sears I have made an appointment with is Mrs. Richard D. Sears, Jr., Fulton Leser's sister. She can tell you a good deal about practically anyone in Boston. If you wish to go out to Southboro to see Mrs. Bradley's pictures, Mrs. Sears will be glad to telephone early Thursday morning and find out whether or not it will be convenient during that day.

In view of the 7 o'clock train, Mrs. Sears will expect us at her house in 

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