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CT ES November 22, 1927 

Chester H. Johnson, Esq., 
410 South Michigan Ave., 
Chicago, Ill. 

Dear Johnson, 

I forgot to ask you when you were here what you wanted us to do with those two Louis XV chairs which you purchased from us. It occurred to me that you had forgotten about them, and I thought I would, therefore, remind you about them. 
Now, I do not wish to appear to be pestering you too much, but I am very anxious to get some kind of a reply regarding the VESTIER, as we have practically a sure sale for it here and I would not like to miss this opportunity. Of course, I know how long-minded some people are in making their final decision, but I think if you told your client that you had another inquiry for it or something to that effect, you might be able to get an answer from them. 

I would, therefore, esteem it a favor if you would let me hear from you as soon as possible regarding this matter. I also hope you will quite understand our position. 

In the meanwhile, with our kindest regards to you both, believe me to be 

Yours sincerely,