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May 8th, 1933.
My dear Mr. Johnson:
     I have so often heard of your interest in art and of some of the very important paintings which you have acquired that I would like to take advantage of a trip to Philadelphia to have an opportunity of calling and meeting you.

     I suppose my name is not unfamiliar to you, as many of the most important works of art and paintings purchased by the museums, institutions throughout this country have come from us. 

     I intend going to Philadelphia this week-end or at the beginning of next week and if it were at all convenient for you to receive me I would be greatly obligated to you for letting me know whether you could spare a few minutes for me to call.
     Looking forward to having soon an opportunity of meeting you, 

     Believe me to be, 
           Yours very sincerely, 

          (Germain Séligmann)

Eldridge R. Johnson, Esq.,
Moorestown, N.J.