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Mrch 2, 1929

Dear Mr. Kelley,

Mrs. Kelley rang me up this morning and gave me your message regarding sending for the painting, and I am therefore having our men call for it on Monday morning.

Now, I must say I am rather sorry that you have decided to send it back because I should very much like to have seen it remain in your home as apart from being a very fine example of one of the greatest 18th century painters, I think it is one of the most attrac[[g]]ive and pleasing portraits I have ever seen.

Anyhow, if you do not like it, there is nothing further to be said, but I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to try it out in your home.

In the meanwhile, with my kind regards, believe me to be

Yours sincerely,


Cornelius F. Kelley, Esq.,
907 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.