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Sept. 29, 1936.
Mr. Clifford Trevor..........3
existence, measuring a little over 12 x 15 feet.  With the colors and deisgn it has the effect of stripes,  but so beauti-fully done as to eliminate that appearance.  I am enclosing a description of this rug herewith. I have not seen the equal of this rug in any museum, and if you can find a place in your client's home for a rug of this type, you should not miss it.  It is a priceless rug.  Nevertheless you can have it at the quotation of $8500. net.
The third rug on the wall, that shows a medallion, is a XVI to XVII Century Kuba.  Photograph and description that I am enclosing herewith.  The net price of this rug to you will be $4500.
The small rug thrown over an easel in from of the stripped rug, is a XVI Century Ispahan - on of the most beautiful we have every had.  Photograph and description of which I am also enclosing.  It is a rug I consider worth Ten to Twelver Thousand dollars.  Net price to you will be Forty Five Hundred ($4500.)
Yours Very Truly,
P.S. - In writing or cabling me about any of these rugs, you can use the serial numbers given in this letter.
Please take good care of these photographs and descriptions so that you can return them to me by registered mail when you are through with them.

Transcription Notes:
Unable to read signature