Viewing page 23 of 88

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[[4 columned table]]
|24|Austin, A.E., Jr.|Hartford|GS|
|   |Thacher, John S.|Cambridge|GS|
|   |Lehman, Robert|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Masselin, L.|Roslyn|GS|
|   |   |   |   |
|25|de Talleyrand, Duchess|City|RS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Parsons, Harold Woodbury|Boston|GS|
|   |Lewisohn, Mrs. Samuel A.|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Dreiffus. G.L.|City|GS|
|   |Hannen, Gordon|London|GS|
|   |Berenson (cable)|Florence|GS|
|   |   |   |   |
|26|Cheek, Leslie, Jr.|Williamsburg|RML|
|27|Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Dimand, Maurice S.|City|GS|
|   |Hofer, Philip|Cambridge|RML|
|   Constable, W.G.|Boston|GS|
|   |Manning, Miss Ethelwyn|City|GS|
|   |   |   |   |
|28|Pouncey, Philip|London|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Rorimer, James J.|City|GS|
|   |Castano, Giovanni|Boston|GS|
|   |Isaacs, Miss Hermine Rich|RML|GS|
|   |Rosenthal, Mrs. Moritz|RML|GS|
|   |Martin, John|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|29|Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Swarzenski, Dr. Georg|Boston|GS|
|   |Swarzenski, Dr. Georg|Boston|GS|
|   |Parosns, Harold Woodbury|Boston|GS|

[[four columned table]]
|1|Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Hofer, Philip|Cambridge|RML|
|   |Johnson, Miss Bertha M.|Greenwich|RML|
|   |Hyde, Henry|Cambridge|RML|
|   |   |   |   |
|2|Draper, W.P.|City|GS|
|   |Berger, René|Buenos Aires|RHW|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Bull, Harry A.|City|RML|
|   |   |   |   |
|3|Martin, John|City|GS|
|   |Polk, Frank L.|City|GS|
|   |Cheek, Leslie, Jr. (wire)|Williamsburg|RML|

Transcription Notes:
[[underlined]] removed per Smithsonian instructions