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APRIL 2 Balch, Alan C.                Los Angeles RML     
        Adler, Mrs. Paul                 City     RML
        Russell, Mrs. Charles H., Jr.    City     CMH
        Thacher, John S.              Mexico City RML

        Ryback, Mrs. Sonia           Philadelphia RML
        Hofer, Philip                    Sharon   RML
        Powell, William B.               City     RHW
        Shannon, Charles E.           Montgomery  RHW
        Walker, B. M.           West Point, Miss. RS
        Phelan, J. H.                   Beaumont  RS
        Mummert, Mrs. Sally B.         Fort Worth RS
        Loeb, Carl M.                    City     RS
        Rockwell, James W.              Houston   RS
        Staub, John                     Houston   RS
        McCarthy, Glenn                 Houston   RS
        Plummer, Albert                 Houston   RS
        Hunt, H. L.                      Dallas   RS
        Walker, Alfred P.            Pelham Manor RS
        Walker, Ralph T.                 City     RS

      5 Brame, Paul                      Paris    CMH
        Dubourg, Jacques                 Paris    CMH
        Balay, Roland                    Paris    CMH
        Houston, Franklin D.           Providence RHW
        Bull, Harry                      City     RML
        Walker, Elisha                   City     RHW
        Schuette, Mrs. Robert W.         City     RHW
        Walker, ALbert R.             Los Angeles RS
        Walker, Alexander E.          Pittsburgh  RS
        Walker, Alfred G.             Los Angeles RS
        Walker, Alexander                City     RS
        Walker, Arthur B.              Coldwater  RS
        Walker, Archie D.             Minneapolis RS
        Walker, Allen                    City     RS
        Paul, Maury H. B.                City     GS
        Ball, Mrs. George A.            Muncie    GS
        Hardy, Senator Arthur Charles   Ottawa    GS
        Southam, H. S.                  Ottawa    GS
        Walker, Arthur C.              Pipestone  RS
        Walker, Alexander P.      Charlottesville RS

      6 Walker, Charles Z.            Long Beach  RS
        Brame, Paul                      Paris    RML
        Castano, Giovanni               Boston    GS
        Clark, Mrs. Frederick G.         City     RHW
        Thacher, John S.              Mexico City RML
        Ball, Mrs. Frank C.             Muncie    GS 
        Bailie, Earle                    City     GS
        Rhodes, Daniel P.              Brookline  GS
        La Beaume, Louis               St. Louis  GS
        Baldwin, Martin                 Toronto   GS
        Werner, Joseph L.              St. Louis  GS
        Moe, Henry Allen                 City     RHW
        Macauley, Mrs. Alvan        Grosse Pointe RHW
        Barlow, Samuel L. M.             City     RHW
        O'Neil, George F.              Milwaukee  GS
        Pitcairn, Theodore A.          Bryn Athyn GS