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December 16th., 1941.

Dear General Marshall:

You may recall that earlier this year when I wrote you asking whether I could receive a commission in the United States Army at the War Department, you told me that my qualifications might make me of use in the Military Intelligence Division, but that as I was not yet a full fledged citizen I could not at that time be assigned.

This country being now at war, I trust that it will be possible today to grant me the favor I asked then.

Do you think I could be useful in the problem of MARTINIQUE? Are the officers there going to act as those in Syria and fight or would they be willing to side with us? What resistance would they offer were the faced by a small debarking force - which would not entail a battle? I realize full well that the General Staff has of course been working on these problems from all possible angles and that I probably arrive like the Fireman after the blaze is out, but I could perhaps cooperate it - particularly as I understand the working of the French mind, which I know so well from experience is at times very difficult for people of other nations to grasp.

Should there still be a "MARTINIQUE Question", how about my being one of the officers you would assign to hold conversations with the MARTINIQUE naval and military leaders?

At a moment's notice I would be glad to go down to see you.

With best personal regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

General George C. Marshall,
War Department,
Washington, D. C.