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ought to be fully investigated but in the mean time is there no way for you to get the poor fellow out of jail!
I beg you to see to it at once and get him out if you can. 
Yours Respectfully & Truly
(Sg'd) Wm Henry Brisbane

Things later from Billy Graham as stated by his wife - at cost and estimated prices- 
140'' Stone Cotton   $30.00
A large metallic Boat with a new sail  34.00 (worth a $100.
A new cast fishing net  10.00
A Cart  20.00
1 Large Bank of Potatoes }  20.00
1 Small Bank of Potatoes }
2 Cart loads of Ear Corn  20.00
Seven hens and a Rooster  2.00
A large iron washing pot or boiler  10.00
2 foot cotton gins  10.00
All the Corn Blades  2.00
One Plough  5.00
One Grindstone   2.00
[[Total]] $168.00

O. D. Kinsman
Assistant, Adjutant, General