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[[5 Columned Table]]
| When Rec'd. | Name and Rank of Writer | Date & purport of Letters |   | Endorsements and Memorandum | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| August 10 - Bolenius A. Q. Brevet Maj | July, 5, 67 inquires who was present |   | Asst Sub Comr. Office BRF & A.L. Lexington N.C. Brevt Maj A. W. Bolenius Greensboro N.C. respectfully asks for further instructions W F Henderson Asst Sub Asst Comm | 

|   |   |   | Forwarded August 30 - 1867 - Se complaint Book 100 - | Office Sub - Asst Coms. Bureau RF and AL, Greensboro N.C. Aug 5, 67 Respectfully returned to Mr. W. F. Henderson Agent bureau RF & AL, is there no evedanse or clue to establish murder who are the woman that were present these papers to be returned to this office with report. signed A W Bolenius Capt VRC & Brevt Maj US Vol Sub Asst Comr | 

|   |   |   |   | Agent Office Bureau R.F. & A.L. Lexington NC Augt 20th 1867 Respectfully forwarded with Report to Brevt Maj A W Bolenius Greensboro SA Comr W F Henderson Agent. BRF & AL |

Transcription Notes:
Bolenius is correct,