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Stroughton February 17th 1948

Dear Doris
After our zero weather we are having it a little warmer 20º abover rather cloudy looks like a snow storm. certainly we have had it cold enough 25º below for two days. Pearl Drake came over here yesterday saying she was frozen up & could'nt get any water so called up Lindelof on our telephone. meanwhile at night, Hazel came once after she got home from work & said they were all right. it seemed the pipes in the cellar were frozen & George McJarney went over & thawed then out, so there was no use for Lindelof who was so busy he couldn't come to them 'till this morning. his wife said leave the faucet open & there would be no danger from a blow up. our coldest night Miss Baseg was up most all night seeing to our fires & keeping our house warm. we had all our heat on & then it was none too warm, otherwise, we should have been frozen. we keep our oil heat going all night now & the two stoves. its better than to have a freeze up. I hope we have it warm