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January 17th, 1939

Dear Sir:

We delivered to you on October 24th, 1938 on consignment, our No. 4934, tapestry described as follows:-

A Flemish tapestry of the 16th century, "Fleurettes", with medallion in center. Against a background of "fleurettes" tapestry is a circular medallion showing a hunting scene. At the top and bottom are masks and the medallion is encircled by fruit motifs. 

Height: 4'4-1/4" Width: 6'9-1/2"

For the good order of our records, we wish to state that we retain title to the above object until Bill of Sale has been rendered by us. 

May we ask you kindly to confirm the above?

Yours very truly,

Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.

(O. A. Liechti)

Albert Morse, Esq.
637 Madison Avenue
New York, New York