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Mr. E. W. Wheelock, 
I will give you a full statement of all our hindrances and opposition against us and our School in Mattagorda. In the first place there are many of our Citizens who are violantly opposed to us for making a School for the Freedmen and are trying to break up our School in every way they can, by annoying us by throwing bricks and Oister shells at our School House and Church at our night School, and Services at in the Church, And I have had the dogs hiped at me going from Church after night, And I have been told that some of them threatten to tar and feather me, and I was told to my face if I did not walk streght that I would be killed off, Now Sir, you can see our hindrances And I very plainly see if you do not send us Military protection we will be compeld to abandon the work, and I hope you will Send us protection immediately, as soon as you can as I do not wish to leave the work if I can help it. 
So I Recommend /strikethrough/ seventy /strikethrough/ the above Remedy as teacher of the Freedmans School in Mattagorda Texas
Richard Sloan teacher.