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E.M. Wheelock Esqr
Dear Sir
I must state the reason for those who left. 3 of the number stated they could not afford to pay the tuition fee. 7 left for to work in the corn fields & Brick Yards. These 7 will return as soon as the Busy time is over Sir I wrote you, as also a letter through you to Mr Welch, of the Prospect of My School being Broken up. If we do not get a School House, or Church built, by the 1st of July. As the House I now teach in will be torn down as the lot is sold, and no other House can be obtained, so that if the school should stop & it will be more difficult to start than it was at first. I cannot even get [[strikethrough]]from[[/strikethrough]] the Freedmen to Advance money to buy the Lumber which will require $1.25 at least. This lumber must come from Houston, & be ordered one week before it can be delivered. I received no answer from Mr Welch 
Please Answer. Your Obedtly. James G Whann
E.M. Wheelock Esqr.

[[margin]] N.B. I was requested by Capt Craig to make my report to him, but as I had appointment & Instructions from you, the superintendent of Schools. I could not see the propriety of reporting to him. Still a gave him my name and the number of Schollars I have at present
E.M. Wheelock Esqr. [[/margin]]