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Report of School for Freedmen

In Harrisburg Texas
Day School
For the month ending Sept '/66

[[14 columned table]]
|   |Total No last Rep|Admitted|left|Total Attendance|Average Attendance|Alphabet|Spelling|Reading|Mental Arithmetic|Written Arithmetic|Writing in Copy Book|Writing on Slate|Geography|
|Boys|6|   |   |6|4|   |6|6|3|3|2|4|3|
|Girls|6|   |   |6|4|   |6|6|3|3|1|3|4|
|Total|12|   |   |12|   |   |12|12|6|6|3|7|7|
[[/14 columned table]]

I certify on honor that the above Report is correct & that the Regulations have been complied with

Wm Reynolds

Transcription Notes:
Extra spaces needed in empty cells.