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State of Texas. 

The observance of the following REGULATIONS
Is enjoined on the Teachers of the Freedmen of Texas: 

1. The School Hours shall be from 9 A.M. to 2:30 P.M., with a half hour's recess at mid-day. 

2. The Morning exercises will commence with either the singing of an appropriate hymn, or prayer, or the reading of the Scriptures.

3. A regular oder of School Exercises will be posted in each School Room. 

4. The three studies of primary importance for the Freedmen, are reading, writing, and arithmetic. Teachers will therefore make these branches most prominent. 

5. The Holidays shall be the same as those customary in the White Schools of this State. 

6. In the Freedmen's Schools corporal punishment is not required. The modes of disciplines must not differ from those employed in the best school systems of the North. 

7. Night Schools for adults, and Sunday Schools for religious instructions, may be organized by any Teacher. The Night Schools shall be kept in session every week-day evening, except Saturday, from 7 to 9:30 P.M.

8. Until further notice the following schedule of fees for tuition will be adopted in the Schools for Freedmen throughout the State, and can be collected by the Teacher in advance, from each pupil attending Day School: 
When but one pupil from a family attends school, fifty (50) cents per month shall be the charge for tuition. When two attend from the same household, seventy-five (75) cents shall be the charge for both. When the number exceeds two, one ($1.00) dollar shall be the charge for all. Orphans, and the children of widows, shall be admitted to school privileges without charge. The tuition fee for Night Schools will remain as before. No other collections will be taken by the Teachers without permission of the Superintendent. 

9. A daily register of attendance will be kept, and at the close of each month the Teacher will furnish this office with a Monthly Report, tabular forums for which are herewith given. 

10. This Report is incomplete unless to each question an exact or approximate answer is given, and unless each blank is filled by a number, or cypher. 

Superintended of Schools for Freedmen and Refugees, State of Texas.