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1. How many Day or Night Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau?  [[Same?]]

2. No of pupils in such schools.  None

3. Names of Teachers in such schools, and whether white or colored.  None

4. How many Sabbath Schools, within your knowledge, not reporting to this Bureau?  None

5. Number of Teachers in such Sabbath Schools, and whether white or colored.  None

6. Number of pupils in such Sabbath Schools.  None

7. Whole amount of Tuition paid you by Freedmen, during the month.  None

8. Remarks.
The freedmen take much interest in the Sunday school which I now hold for them. Not a few of my pupils - particularly the girls - have learned to write letters that [[obscured]] altogether legible. Before I came to [[believe]], not [[obscured]] made the stroke of a pen.
The freedmen usually congregate on Sundays to hear me read the Scriptures to them, and a colored [[exhorter?]] occasionally addresses them.
Some 5 or 6 of my scholars - children of [[freedwomen?]] - are as white as myself, and one or two would not make such bad teachers as might be imagined. 

Transcription Notes:
freedwomen seems right