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Office of Sub Asst Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Boston Tex May 2d 1868.

No 83 LB Vol 2 (1868)

Rev Joseph Welch
S.S. District of Texas 
Austin, Texas.


Reports on Ed. Form, No 4, and "School Report" for the month ending 30 of April 1868, are herewith respectifully transmitted.
I would respectifully request, that if possible you will please forward me a small supply of "Testaments" & "religious papers." I will distribute them, will you forward me as soon as practicable a supply of Ed Form, No 4, and School Report Blanks.

I am Sir
Your Obt Svt
W.G. Kirkman
 S.A.C. (and A.S.S.)
58' S.D. Texas.