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Office of Sub Asst Commissioner Bureau R.F. & A.L. Boston Tex May 2d 1868. No 83 LB Vol 2 (1868) Rev Joseph Welch S.S. District of Texas Austin, Texas. Sir, Reports on Ed. Form, No 4, and "School Report" for the month ending 30 of April 1868, are herewith respectifully transmitted. I would respectifully request, that if possible you will please forward me a small supply of "Testaments" & "religious papers." I will distribute them, will you forward me as soon as practicable a supply of Ed Form, No 4, and School Report Blanks. I am Sir Respectifully Your Obt Svt W.G. Kirkman S.A.C. (and A.S.S.) 58' S.D. Texas.