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Office Sub Asst. Com'r BRF & AL
Wharton Texas
April 30th 1868

Rev Joseph Welch
Superintendent of Schools


I have the honor to inform you that no school reports from Teachers in my Sub. district have been received by me for this month.
Mrs. M. A. Henderson who taught the Colored School at Wharton Texas has broken up her School and left the county. Her reason [[strikethrough]]w[[/strikethrough]] for leaving was that the number of her pupils who could afford to pay her for tuition was too limited to allow her even to hope of being able to support herself on the pittance She drew from this source.
In my Sub district there are at present three teachers two of whom are colored and one white.
Of the Schools  taught by them that of Mr. Roach white Teacher has the largest attendance of scholars who number about fifty.
The School in Matagorda Mr. R. French colored teacher has about twelve Scholars. - And the