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Chances Prarie July 23th 1868

R J Welch Supt Schools

Sir in obedience to your orders I reported in due time to M. Homes in Columbia on Monday 13th. He assigned me to Chances Prarie to organize a School there. there is a colored teacher in Brazoria and he did not wish to interfere with him. I had to take hold myself with the Freedmen and go in the woods to cut timber to erect a school house it is built of logs 22 by 24 feet and well shingled the House and land belong to the Freedmen. I commenced teaching on Thursday the 23 with 24 scholars. I expect to commence a Night School on Monday night te are all anscured to be taught but until the make a crop the cannot pay a teacher. I hope your reverence will allow me a sufficient Salary to pay my board and washing expenses for until Christmas the Freedmen cannot pay me a Dollar for tuition. I could not get a Suitable place to Board with the freedmen convenient to the school. Unless there is some pervision made for my Board at present which is 16 Dollars a month in Specie