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[Ed. Form, No. 4.]

on Education of Freedman and Refugees in Sub-District, State of Texas in charge of Nesbit B. Jenkins for the Month of June 1868, [in accordance with order contained in Circular No.5, Bureau R., F., & A.L.]
1. Name of your Sub-District? Wharton & Matagorda west of the Colorado river
2. Whole number of refugee or Freedmen's Schools in the District? 2 Day? - Night? - Sabbath? - - - -
3. Location of Schools? One school situated in the  Plantation Known as the Franks Place near Wharton Wharton Co Texas. One (1) situated at Egypt. Wharton County
4. Whole number of Teachers? 0 White? 2 Colored? Teachers
5. Names and post-office address of Day-School Teachers? Mrs. Harriet Smith Wharton Wharton Co Texas
Mrs. Harriet Smith Egypt P.O. Wharton County 
6. Whole number of School-houses for Freedmen in your District? 1 Their condition, capacity, value, and by whom owned? 
There is one School House in what is called the Egypt district Wharton Co built by the freed people & owned by them. It is a rough building, capable of containing about sixty scholars.
7. Number of your visits to Schools? 1 Day? - Night? - Sabbath? -

8. Number of educational meetings held by you during the month? - Where? -

9. Number and names of places, now destitute in which Day-Schools might be organized? A school is required at Wharton. & I am in hopes of soon being able to organize a small school in this place.  On [[Canery?]] & at many other points. Schools for the freedmen are required though I think it would be utterly useless to attempt to organize schools in these destitute neighborhoods while the freedpeople are in as impoverished a condition as they are in the present. & consequently unable to make any useful or permanent effort in the support of schools. 
10. Number of pupils (estimated) who would attend such Schools? In this place [[?]]
11. Amount which would probably be raised by the Freedmen, for school purposes, in each destitute neighborhood? I am of opinion that no amount which would Be productive of any good could be raised for any school proposed in my Sub. district The means of the people have been Brought so low by the repeated failure of the cotton crop that they can hardly sustain themselves until the crop is made
12. What efforts are you making to secure the support of schools by pupils, parents, boards of education, or the State government? 
13. Whole number of additional School-houses, for Freedmen, now wanted in your Sub-District? 
14. Could you organize your Sub-District into School Districts, each with a School Committee pledged to carry on schools therein? In the present state of my sub. district I do not think it would be possible.
15. To what extent would help from without be needed in such cases? Help from without to be productive of any benefit and lasting good
16. What is the public sentiment as to the education of the Freedmen and Poor Whites? Should be liberal and continued
17. Are Night-Schools for Adults needed in your District? - In what way could they be carried on? Night schools in my opinion are not desirable in the farming districts however well they may answer in towns
18. What more can this Bureau do for educating the children of Refugees (or Poor Whites)? I am not aware that the Bureau can do much more unless it is able to pay the teachers of such schools. And every effort should be put forth to bring  about 
19. How long will Northern charitable aid be needed for Freedmen and Refugee Schools in your District? The establishment of Free Schools as the only means of making education amongst the freed people general and successful 

I hereby certify, on honor, that I have given personal attention to the matters herein named, and that the answers given are, according to my best knowledge and belief, correct.

Nesbit B. Jenkins
Sub-Asst. Com., Bureau R.,f.&A.L.

Transcription Notes:
Sometimes the answers to one question take up space in the lines for the next question; I have transcribed them as complete answers. If this is incorrect, the passages can be moved around. Jenkins does not seem to have answered all questions even though many are filled with writing.