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Stoughton February 28th 1945

Some of the snow has melted away by sun.
We have just been able to see a little of the bare ground & the road ways, for the first time for weeks & it seems good. its still very slippery in some places.
Mrs. Barry started Monday & did some errands early Monday afternoon & then went to the movies with Edith Rose & Richard & were then coming home on the bus, when Mr. Lakey came out of the theater with an acquaintance  who were going to ride home in their car & invited them to ride with them so she said t Miss Rose & Richard to come along "Oh', no said Edith we dont want to interfere" "plenty of room said they". Mr Lakey goes to her church & said to Mrs Barry "I owe it to you for singing that beautiful solo I listened to you sang Sunday."
so they brought them right along to their door & they were very lucky. they always are. plenty of people give her rides both ways. Winnie Thallope dont go as much as she did & has to be careful on account of her heart trouble, but she was always good to take people in, she met on the street. I guess they miss her in the family terribly as she is