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the only one who drives a car.

I called up Lottie Crane to thank her for the beautiful hankie with the crotched pink border she sent me for my birth day present & she inquired about you & Sidney & said she was not feeling any too well on account of her heart.
they say Charlotte looks terrible old. she is all bent over. she has to work hard to keep going. they have a hard struggle & are anything but happy. its a pity Ellis mother married that  Fisher he spent her money otherwise she would have left it to her family & now they need it.

Mrs. Barry called up Mr. Turner & he said tell  Mrs. Blake to send that list she sent before for I have lost it & thats all I need of her help.. then the trees will be ordered& set out by the middle of April, he promised to attend to it right away. I received Miss Schubers card. She is very good to send me things. too bad but she is very fond of doing good to everyone I think a good a good woman.

I made my jacket very plane out of the one dark purple without any opening except around the neck, so I could draw it over my head. I liked it that way. I also like that brown shoulderette for that goes with anything & is also warm. now I will send the letter with the one I have written to Lena when the postman comes he is due anytime   love Ma.