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nervousness. Pete Mcgarvey is much better but not able to only go down to his office. he burst a blood vessel in his leg + was in the hospital a few days, he is not so he can direct traffic in the cold winter street. George takes care of himself + doesn't over do.

My room is getting chilly its time the fire was started in the little stove but will finish this letter first. now you asked me about my poinsettias if they were in bloom yes two of them + also the Christmas cactus. I put papers back of them nights so they dont get chilled. & the little plant that Bertha Upham brought up all rooted when she came here with Maude, is in bloom. like the begonia you bought at Lauries green house only this little one is double. I change them from one room to the other so they get all the sun there is and they are both doing well.

Those letters you sent written by Rachie & Amy were interesting. I am glad she left the house to Elizabeth + Amy. They both need a home. Elizabeth was named after Lizzie Capen she left her two hundred dollars for her name when she died. Lizzie Capen was my cousin I thought everything of her in my childhood. smart was she in school she made a teacher + died very sudden. well she married a rich old man. + seemed very happy with her home and turned out well at last. I often think of the times we had together - 2 years older than I was. Ma