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Stoughton January 16th 1945

Dear Doris

Winter is surely here & no mistake for yesterday a gale of wind all night brought us on the heels of the other storm, eight inches of snow, there wasn't a window we could see out of all day long & it was too dark to read, or sew, our nice path we had dug for us was filled up long before morning. The milk man tried to get to us but after banging the door until we thought it would come off its hinges, he at last went around to the front door & left it, its still snowing. 

I am writing the letter so if our Postman comes in a couple of hours he will take it. I don't know how long this storm is going to last but hope it clears soon. 

Gertrude had hard work getting off this morning - Eddie their roomer who always takes her, had his car parked out in front of our house, all through the night, so when Gertrude wen to get into the car this morning around 8 O'clock, the snow was so deep she almost fell down but motioned for Eddie to back so she could get into the car without