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Stoughton October 15th 1944

Dear Doris

Since it cleared yesterday afternoon it has been cooler weather. very sunny to day but windy and much cooler. for fear of a frost I have been out to pick my few remaining tomatoes even the smallest ones. they will all ripen in the house and I can put up most of them.

I did my weekly wash and it is dry. so I have taken it in. I am glad to have it all in, so there will be nothing to blow on the line all night.

We have just had our Sunday dinner of corned beef and cabbage with a pudding made of bread apples and peanut butter, she made from a receite she found somewhere. I didn't think much of it but managed to get it down after a little while.

The ground is covered with leaves which have blown off the trees during the storm. it will make the rooms lighter & am glad to see them go. that little plant you bought me up to Lauries greenhouse, is a beauty. full of blossoms & growing. the one that Bertha Upham brought up is growing also but it will take a long time before it will ammount to much, although I change it from one room to the other to get the sun more.