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[[top margin]] We have looked everywhere for Sids coupon for gas & opened his cabinet in the little house & closed it up again. we think he must have carried it home. we are still looking in the drawer of the North chamber bureau. & every where hope it will turn up some time Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton September 27th 1944

Dear Doris

I will write my letter as I am here alone she has gone down to make bandages for the Red Cross & pay my Telephone and electric light bills & do the rest of my errands

Old Marm McGarvey died in Foxboro asylum for the insane & her funeral was yesterday afternoon from Petes house. the Universalist minister the conducted the ceremony & there were a good many who went also lots of flowers. I guess it was a relief to her family. she was a great care must have been.

Our weather has changed since Sunday, grown very warm to day. I took in all my flowers with, her help, yesterday & the sitting room window looks quite natural again.

I have done my washing to day washed two sheets off my bed & all the pillow cases, so now I sleep between blankets. but shall not take a stone to night its so warm.

My Tomatoes are ripening fast on the vines I get three & four daily & bring them in as soon as they begin to turn the least might & finish up in the house. I am so sorry you lost your box of grape preserve & hope you find