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Stoughton June 20th 1944

Dear Doris

We are having cool days again & a little rain nothing heavy as should be. hope it continues gardens are in need of down pours.

We had the Wentworth crowd & their wives here after the funeral Charley & Gladys came over too there were three autos full Harry & Burt girls came also they were here to supper Alice Woods & Myrtie came with food they prepaired for the crowd expected them to stay there but they wanted to see Aunt Lou so came here. Burts family stayed all night in Boston with her folks. they were going to take Gladys home down in Maine for her vacation. & Charley is going up to Vermont for his vacation. later on   Say you never saw a more lively crowd the boys paid me lots of attention all the time they were here. they all seemed so happy & contented Alice was 85 years old. she looked older than I do Mrs Barry said I never knew her age as she didn't tell but Gldys knew & told Myrtie. she was sent to the hospital, her bowels refused to work which made it very painful at last. but guess she didn't live long after she was taken. any way she was old