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Stoughton May 24th 1944

Dear Doris

We are having cold days this week & our two coal stoves are none too much for these days to make us feel comfortable. we are having a little sun though today & the wind is not quite so cold I feel chilly during the nights sleeping in my cotton sheets so today I have changed back to my flannel ones again & mean to keep them on 'till the remainder of May at least.

She has gone down to make bandages for the Red Cross this afternoon & to have her hair fixed at 1/2 past 5 to Marthas Beauty shop. tomorrow she goes to a luncheon down to Alice Williamses & I am here to keep house. Myrtle Gilcher will be there also. I like her she is a very nice sort of a person & always liked this neighborhood.

We have put out our wash today but its not a very sunny day for drying, although there is considerable wind, my two sheets may dry though on the back line. the report says a thunder shower. it may not come here if it does it will. I dont like them though neither did Pa we got struck once lucky it followed.