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to empty my water I had left from washing my clothes. to see if there were any buds on it. and found a good many more than there were last year. the little baldwin tree is budded + it looks very thrifly since it had the lower branches trimmed.

What kind of a job has Miss Colcord got? Mabel said it was a much better job than she had before & she earns more than she did in the library. its a pity she cant get married &  have a home of her own. she looks old & guess she would like to marry but nothing but an old man would marry her now. the same with Gladys. no young man would want her.

Georgia Perkins got over her fall pretty soon she & the Sopers  were taking the bus this noon going to Brockton to a spiritualist meeting we thought. she was all dressed up in a great style with a long blue cape & nice hat $ stepping off as spry as a young girl.& much younger than the other two who were far in the rear. glad she is feeling better, she is a worker & they couldnt do without her.  I hope your folks are better & Syd has rested over the week end. when does he have his vacation? hope he gets a good one this time. certainly he needs one  love Ma