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May 23rd,1974

Dear Mrs. Owen:

It gives me a very real pleasure to know that the exceptional NIELLO Processional Cross is now owned by someone who appreciates its beauty and its remarkable merit.

Herewith I am taking the liberty of enclosing my firm's Invoice in the amount of $25,000, as well as a pamphlet relating to the cross. The pamphlet contains a great deal of information which I feel certain you would like to have on hand. 

The cross will be packed momentarily and as per Mr. Wilder Burnap's indication, will be airshipped to Mr. Evans Woollen at 604 Ft. Wayne Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind.46204. It will be most carefully wrapped in tissue paper and placed in a special box. The case in which you saw it at my Gallery, as well as the original leather case which surrounded this work of art, will both be shipped to Mr.Woollen separately from the cross. 

My firm will keep the cross insured [[underline]] until the case is delivered to Mr. Woollen [[/underline]]. The bill for the expenses connected with the special packing will be mailed to you by and by. 

May I remind you that as indicated on the Invoice and in the pamphlet, the original leather case bears the same letter and record number as that at the bottom of the cross, which is " R2969 ".

May I express the hope that this great work of art will remain a source of true enjoyment to you.

With best personal regards, 

Germain Seligman

Mrs. Kenneth Dale Owen
300 Pinewold Lane
[[underline]] HOUSTON [[/underline]]
Texas 77027
