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December 24th,1932.

The Pierpont Morgan Library,
33 East 36th Street,
New York City.

Attention Mr. Junius Morgan,Treasurer.

Dear Sirs:

We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 22nd, enclosing check on Messrs. Morgan & Company in Paris, for French Francs 74,100.-, in payment of $104 of the Sale of Mr. George Blumenthal's Library.

Upon your request, we enclose an invoice for this item, which was bought at the George Blumenthal Sale as per your instructions, the text of which, however, is slightly changed, so that we would not appear as having sold it to you. In fact, we acted in this matter purely as your agents and for your convenience, and have been delighted to do so. 

We have just been advised that this "recueil" has been shipped on the S.S.Pennland, which is due here shortly. Bill for shipping, packing and insurance will be sent to you at a later date.

Believe us, 

Very truly yours, 

