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January 7,1924.

Mrs. Harold Pratt
58 East 68th Street.
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mrs. Pratt,

Let me first thank you for the very charming reception you gave me the other day when it was my privilege to call on you  and to express to you the great pleasure I had in making your acquaintance and in seeing your very beautiful house.

Will you permit my sending you herewith a booklet of our business place in Paris, the Ancien Hotel de Sagan, where I am looking forward to having you visit. I hope, when next you come to Paris. Should you have any available time now I would enjoy showing you some of the very fine tapestries, and furniture, and works of art that we have here in our galleries at the above address.  I know you are not interested in them for the time being, but I am sure that knowing your great taste you would appreciate looking at them.

Kindly remember me to Mr. Pratt, and believe me

Yours sincerely,