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hands of a couple of children. The market day here is sunday during which many people come from the valley of Oaxaca and elsewhere bringing dry goods, pottery, leather work (belts, money-belts, bags for wearing hung over shoulder by a strap, sheaths for knives or machetes, &c.) also corn, [[strike through]] was sold [[/strike through]] beans, peppers & vegetables were sold. Corn is rather scarce owing to the drought last year & while the selling was going on several persons tried to buy a sack or two at a time. As the stock offered was not large the market police refused to permit such sales only letting one person buy 15 or 20 lbs. In this way a "corner" on the visible stock was made very difficult.  The Presidente here was a young storekeeper whose youth & inexperience combined to render his administration very inefficient to judge by the lack of respect shown him by the people - Sunday here as at other towns along this coast is a day of general drinking & by evening the jail is full of those who have made themselves obnoxious by noise, &C.  The market is a species of working fair at which the men come in from the surrounding coffee ranches.  They are paid 50ยข a day here & board themselves