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plantations reach over 4800 ft. Leaving Copalito a long steep climb leads over a ridge at 7000 ft- Thence another descent & an ascent beyond to San Pedro El Alto 8200 ft. Passing San Pedro we kept on to San Miguel Suchstipec where we camped for the night. A distance of 25 miles from Plenna & at about 9000 ft. alt. [[strikethrough]] where we stopped overnight. [[/strikethrough]] When I reached the town just before dark I found a number of men working on the Church done. The Presidente was asked for permission to stop in the "casa municipal" but was very slow about giving his consent & finally did so with a bad grace. Then I asked about getting some food for ourselves & animals & the Presidente was very doubtful if we could get anything. I then produced my official letter which I had held back to see the attitude he would assume with no outside influence. One of the men could read & he read my letter from the Gov. directing local officials to furnish assistance. A short consultation followed & the reader told the Presidente that he would have to obey the order in the letter. A change at once followed & although he had just been very doubtful about getting us anything he now said he could secure us feed for the horses & something for ourselves.

We secured horsefeed & after dark the Presidente informed us that we could get some beans, tortillas & eggs for 75 cents. This absurd price I refused to pay & we made supper on our own supplies with some beans & tortillas bought elsewhere.