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an old native was murdered & robbed of some burros & their loads this week on his way across the val. from Ocotlan - The Zapotecs of this val. have a very bad name in all the surrounding country being notorious as thieves, & very quarrelsome. Keeping a sharp lookout & my gun ready for emergencies I went on over the hill with the outfit a short dist. behind. From the north slope the view was open far up the valley to the City of Oax. & beyond - near at hand the red domes of numerous churches rising in the midst of dense patches of trees showed where were hidden numerous towns & villages over the val. bottom.
   As we went on up the valley I was surprised at the number & size of the towns, &  think this part of the val. of Oax. one of the most thickly settled parts of Mexico. Nearing the city, several mounds were seen marking the burial place of some old chief of ancient days, & along the skyline on Monte Alba the irregular profile of the ruined walls of the old Mexican stronghold were plainly visible. At 6 P.M. I reached Oax. an hour or so in advance of my outfit, thus bringing to an end our long trip of over 1200 miles.
   From March 30th to April 16th we remained about Oaxaca attending to various matters of business. During my stay here I obtained some photos of some of the things in the coll. of Dr. Sologwren,- mainly from val. of Oax