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then the woman spoke to our moso & told him to have us watch as we went up for they had seen a couple of men hiding in the bushes near the trail on the slope above. We carried our guns ready for instant use & watched carefully but saw no one. Finally we passed a narrow gap in the hills on the summit & found ourselves in a long deep valley with a pretty little lake, a mile long, in its lower end. On all but the lower end the valley is surrounded by steep mt. slopes & the lake is formed by a low ridge at lower end. The upper end of the valley is occupied by a gently sloping area which forms the ranch called La Laguna de Juanacatlan. We skirted the lake & reached the [[strikethrough]] Hda [[/strikethrough]] buildings (adobe) forming the ranch early in the P.M. The people gave us permission to stay with them & we were given the only unoccupied room which was a dark cell like place with a [[strikethrough]] sma [[//strikethrough]] triangular hole a few inches across in the rear to serve as a window. The lake as some small fish & various water birds gather here. A [[symbol - female]] otter with 2 partly grown yg. also hides in the lake & its den was found under the roots of a large wild fig stump.