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the coast plain which slopes gradually back to the base of the cordillera. For hours the train ran through stunted Ebony forest alternating with prairies, or forests of other small growth with large trees along the banks of streams only.
Stopped at a miserable little hotel at Victoria for several days, many American R.R. men were about the station & a party of Americans were here ready to visit some asphalt mines they have near the coast.
One of them claims that there is a fine game & fishing center near Soto La Marina, also says there are manatees in the river near the coast. Around Victoria purely arid Trop- verging on lower Sonoran. Small oaks on tops of mts. to the west. Victoria must be about 800 ft. above sea.
From Victoria we made a little trip down the road (south) to a water tank near Forlon where we camped with the half breed pumper for 2 or 3 days to do some collecting.
On May 31st we left Victoria on a trip across the mts. to the Mex. Nat. R.R. at point nearly due west. The first day we made 26 miles & reached a Hda. owned by a Spaniard at the edge of the Valley of Jaumave. I did not know the nationality of the owner & rode up & asked for permission to stop