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[[?]] for us where we were very comfortably situated at one side of the place, Barren Mts. rise on all sides of the valley [[strikethrough]] Mass [[/strikethrough]] Here we remained a number of days finding [[???]] & other Sonoran Mammals. 
The people haere pass an existence separated from all the worlds movements & have but little more than an animal existence.

On June 7th we left Jaumave & made 22 miles in a northwesterly course & reached a miserable little group of shepherd huts about an hour after dark. We managed to get something to eat & camped on the ground in front of one of the huts. On the edge of Jaumave Valley we were riding along a brushy trail used constantly by natives when I and found a beautifully made nest of a black capped [[?]]. We had two eggs of the owner & one of a [[cowbird?]]. I stopped my horse & got out the camera & while doing it the cowbird suddenly appeared & while I was only some ten feet away she removed one of the eggs of the rightful owner & carried it away. It was done so boldly that I was much surprised at the birds' assurance.