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Major General R Saxton
Assistant Commissioner

The petition of T. H. Spann a citizen of South Carolina respectfully sheweth ā€” 

That he is the owner of a certain tract of land situated on Keans Neck in Prince Williams Parish Beaufort District and State of South Carolina containing seven hundred and sixty (760) acres - and Bounded on the North by lands belonging to the Estate of Edward Barnwell dec'd ā€” South by Wimbee creek, Eastly lands, of Dr. H. M. Stuart Jnr. and west by lands of Priolian Chisolm.

That he is also the owner of another small tract of land also situated on Keans Neck in Prince Williams Parish Beaufort District and State of South Carolina containing one hundred & fifty (150) acres, and Bounded on the North by lands of Dr. H. M Stuart Jnr. South by lands of H. M. Stuart Jnr. East by Bull River and West by lands of Dr. H. M. Stuart Jnr.

That your petitioner is informed that the two planttions above described have been reported to the Bureau of abandoned lands as abandoned and have been placed upon the books of the said Bureau as being in their possession and control. That no actual occupation and use