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[[image - logo]]
Remington Rand Inc. 
SPring 7-8000

December 7th, 1949

Jacques Seligman
5 East 57th Street
New York City.

Attention: Office Manager

Our records show that your Remington Rand machines are due for inspection at this time under the terms of the Service Agreement which you have with us. 

We regret that it will be necessary for us to delay doing this work until the Work Stoppage that we have in our Service Department at the present time is over. We expect that this will not be long and we will ask that you bear with us until such time as conditions in our Service Department return to normal.

We assure you that we will service your machines just as soon as it is possible for us to do so and that you will receive the full number of inspections to which you are entitled under the terms of your Agreement.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Very truly yours,

O. P. Hannan
Branch Manager,
General Mechanical 
Service Division


Transcription Notes:
The center of the heading contains the Remington Rand company logo.