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Law Offices
Benjamin, Galton & Robbins

Cable "Beningal" New York
Murray Hill 3-7141-2-3-4-5

Melvin C. Robbins
David S. Galton
Herman A. Benjamin

21 East 40th Street, New York 16, N.Y.

copy for Mr. Germain Seligman

September 14, 1949

Harry Z. Harris, Esq.
MacFarlane, Harris & Goldman, Esqs.
Fourth Floor Central Trust Building
Rochester 4, New York

Dear Harry    

re Rolick vs Seligmann

I have your letter of September 13th informing me that Miss Rolick's motion for a preference was defeated. I congratulate you upon the result.

With best personal regards I am




Melvin C. Robbins