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matter straighten itself out, but that you will be more than pleased with the way in which I will handle the entire thing for you and bring it, I hope, to a successful conclusion.

As I told you over the phone last week, I am flying to California next Monday to be gone just over the Holidays and will most certainly be back in New York during the first week of January, but I hope that pending the arrival of the insurance certificate from London and the arrival of the complete list and all data from you, that we can clear this whole matter up this week so that everything will be in readiness to make a fresh start by the very first of the year.

Awaiting the favor of your very kind replay, and with repeated good wishes to you and your wife for Christmas and the New Year, I am

Yours most sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

Ludwig Rosenthal, Esq.
Apartment 14
2156 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Canada