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Bexar County
[[11 columned table]]
| Town | Owners | Amount of rent | Date | length of Lease | By whom rented | Repairs | By whom | Date | Amount | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---|

| San Antonio | John Fries Freeze | $32.00 | Febry 1/67 | none | E W Whittemore | contract to repair &c furnish the building | A Moyer | Mch 16/67 | $265- | mostly furniture moveable property of the Bureau one school not under control of the Bureau in his Sub Distr This building hired by the Bu R F & A L was vacated July 1/67 for rooms of larger size States f.m. have a small sum of money for the purpose of building but it will be some time before they will commence operation |

Brazoria County
| Columbia | J W Parks | c $15.00 | Jany 22/67 | from month to month | J Hutchinson S.A.C. | furnishing building material and fitting up room | J W Parks | Feb 10/67 | $64- | Reports one school not reporting to the Bureau on the Plantation of Mr Mills near Columbia with an average attendance of twenty five Scholars taught by Miss Landus |

| Brazoria | Louis Jack (fm) | 12.00 | Apl 1/67 | from month to month |   | contract made to furnish seats & repairs &c | Francis Strauch | Mch 1/67 | $40.00 |   |

Bastrop Co
| Bastrop | Franz Laake | $15.00 | Apl 1st/67 | 3 months | Byron Porter | no |   |   |   | Report no school not reporting to the Bureau June 1/67 in his Sub Dist no private schools in his Sub Dist |

| Bastrop | [[strikethrough]] Joseph Wright | $20.00 | Febry 1st/67 |   | Byron Porter Sub A.C. [[/strikethrough]] | Void |   |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
ledger page C