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Calhoun Co
[[11 columned table]]
| Town | Owners | Amount | Date | Length of Lease | By whom Rented | Repairs | By whom | Date | Amount | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---|

| Indianola | D Stubberman | 45.00 | Mch 1/67 | 4 months | J R Fitch | Seats &c. | D Peebles | Febry 28/67 | $21.15 | Approved Apl 19/67 one room Reports June 26/67 that the freedman have built a house at their own expence has 50 schollars asks for a teacher to be sent them. |

| Lavaca | H C Canfield | $25.00 | Mch 16/67 |   | J R Fitch Sub. Asst. C. |   |   |   |   | for no definate time |

Colorado Co
| Alleyton | E A Willard | $15.00 Apl 4/67 | four month | Enon M Harris S.A.C | none |   |   |   | Report one not under control of Bureau at La Grange taught by f.m. 10 or 12 scholars |

Cameron Co
|   | Brownsville |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Sub Asst Com Report June 9/67 That there are no schools hired by Bureau one private School in Brownsville |