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Grimes County

[[11 column table]]
| Town | Owners | Amount | Date | Length of Lease | By Whom rented | Repairs | By Whom | Date | Amount | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Anderson | J L Dickson | $20.00 | Apl 30/67 | Dec 30/67 | Nathan H Randlett S.A.C. |   |   |   |   | Reports two Private School in his Sub Dist one at Retreat. 18 pupils 
Taught by a f.m. [[strikethrough]] One at McAlpines farm [[/strikethrough]] by H [[Stoucton?]]
1 taught by a f.m. Jerry Rienhardt  35 pupils
1 taught by a f.m. Benj Williams  15 pupils 
1 taught by a White Thos Wilson 70 pupils
also 1 at Grimes Prarie  138
173 |

| Navasota |   |   |   |   |   | Repairs on School H at Navasota & Co | J J Jameson | 1867 Mch 25/67 | $100- |   |

Goliad Co
| Goliad | W H Boyd | [[strikethrough]] 15.00 [[/strikethrough]] $20 | from month to month |   |   | Thorough states of repair, & adapt it for school purposes | A A McBoyde | Mch 23/67 | $36.50 | Sub Asst Com Report June 1/67 that one private school some five miles in the county with some 20 scholars maintained by the Freed people |

Guadalupe Co

| Seguin | Letitia Rogers | $8.00 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | no private School in his Sub Dist July 1/67 |

Transcription Notes:
fm = freedmen? yes ledger H I J K